14 Temmuz 2015 Salı

Home Remedies for Burning Sensations of the Rectum

Home remedies for a burning sensation of the rectum include the use of aloe vera, hot and cold packs, buttermilk, radish, cumin seeds, cranberries, coriander seeds, witch hazel, myrrh, white oak, Flowers of Sulfur, Vaseline, mango seeds, bayberry, figs, banana and lemon juice, mint juice, and honey in various forms and combinations.
Apart from this, maintaining good hygiene around the anus and eating the correct diet can also serve as good home remedies for burning in the rectum. The sensation of burning in the rectum is primarily caused by the appearance of hemorrhoids in the anal region.
Home remedies for the burning of the rectum can offer great relief to patients suffering from this irritating condition. The main cause of this problem is hemorrhoids in the anus. Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are conditions when veins in the anus swell to form wide masses that touch the walls of the rectum. This problem is also accompanied by a number of other unpleasant conditions like bleeding, irritation, itching, pain, and inflammation. The home remedies used for treating burning sensations in the rectum are effective in treating all of these problems as well.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

There are many known causes of hemorrhoids, as confirmed by the experts from the University of San Jose California, which ultimately leads to burning sensations in the rectum and other related problems:
  • Unhygienic conditions around the anus cause hemorrhoids in the majority of cases.
  • Pregnancy is a contributing factor in this problem in women.
  • Both diarrhea and constipation can be responsible for the development of these unpleasant masses, as well as excessive or aggressive wiping of the rectal area after bowel movements.
  • Applying strain during bowel movements can also lead to this unfortunate problem by putting pressure on the veins of the anus, which then become inflamed.
  • Overeating of spicy foods, along with caffeine and sugar products, is also one of the root causes of this frustrating condition.
The good news is that there are many home remedies for burning sensations in the rectum that are recommended by the experts, which can save you a visit to a medical expert. However, if an advanced stage of piles has already been reached, you should definitely consult a doctor, and as him or her about the possibility of using a more aggressive modern treatment in conjunction with some of the traditional, home remedies that have been used for hundreds of years.

Cranberries2Home Remedies for Burning Sensations in the Rectum

Here are some important home-based remedies, useful in treating burning sensations in the rectum and other signs of hemorrhoids.
Mango Seeds: You can dry mango seeds and crush them to make a powder.  Patients suffering from burning sensations in their rectum should consume 2 grams of this powder with honey twice a day. This is an effective and common home-based solution for hemorrhoids that has been used for hundreds of years in tropical cultures. It works primarily because mangoes have natural anti-inflammatory components in the seeds which become functional when they are crushed.
Coriander Seeds: Coriander seeds are also considered to be effective remedies for piles and various signs and symptoms associated with it. You should soak some coriander seeds in water before sleeping at night and then consume the solution in the morning. Uncomfortable conditions like burning and bleeding of the rectum can be easily treated with this remedy. Coriander has a wide variety of health benefits, and its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stomachic, and spasmolytic properties make it a useful defense against piles and rectal burning.
Bayberry: You can prepare a mixture of bayberry, myrrh, white oak and goldenseal root and use it as an ointment for relieving the pain and burning caused by piles in the rectum. Bayberry has been shown to reduce the size and severity of hemorrhoids, while the other ingredients are all associated with anti-inflammatory or anesthetic/numbing effects. Together, this mixture is ideal for solving your uncomfortable condition.
Banana: It has been found that consuming mashed banana with a cup of boiled milk can reduce the burning sensation in the rectum. Potassium is a major component of bananas, and it has been widely studied as a vasodilator, which means that it relaxes blood vessels, leading to less stress and pressure on the veins around the rectum. Also, potassium acts as an astringent, which shrinks or tightens body tissues, including the tissue that becomes inflamed during rectal irritation. This boost in potassium has a wealth of health benefits, but its powerful activities in terms of hemorrhoids and rectal burning are certainly some of the best!
Figs: One of the most commonly recommended home remedies for burning sensations in the rectum is available in the form of figs. You should soak at least 4 figs in water at night and consume them in the morning. It is better to consume these figs on an empty stomach. You can also create a decoction from fig leaves, and apply that topically to the irritated area. When you do both of these things together, internally and externally, the results typically show themselves much faster.
Cumin Seeds: You can mix the powdered form of cumin seeds with water to form a thick paste. Then, gently apply this paste to the anus to make the area cool and quickly remove the burning sensation. The mixture of roasted and non-roasted cumin seeds, in their ground up form, can be consumed with water to get relief from this type of burning. Cumin shows similar astringent effects to the potassium of bananas, so it shrinks the hemorrhoid, so there is less surface area to be irritated.
Buttermilk: Buttermilk has the ability to reduce the temperature of body and produce a cooling effect. You should consume buttermilk regularly to get rid of the burning sensation felt inside the rectum.
Lemon Juice and Coriander Juice: You can get relief from uncomfortable rectal burning by mixing lemon juice with mint juice and honey and drinking it at least 3 times a day. This is another useful remedy for reducing the burning and pain in the rectum. Also, you can drink coriander juice by mixing sugar into it 3 times a day to achieve the same relief. Lemon juice is used for many different conditions as an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling and irritation, while adding mint juice provides a natural soothing and anesthetic agent to relieve the itching and burning sensation.
Hot and Cold Packs: You can also use hot and cold packs externally to extinguish the feeling of burning caused by piles in the rectum. You can also sit in a warm tub of water to get some relief from burning, as suggested by experts at the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, Louisiana. This alternation of hot and cold is similar to what people suggest after an injury where the spot is swelling or inflamed. The temperature variations usually result in a decrease in swelling as well as enhanced blood flow to the area for healing and cell repair. This is a great way to deal with the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids quickly!
Witch Hazel: Witch Hazel belongs to the family of a flowering plant. You can apply it to the anus through the use of cotton pads to eliminate the burning sensation and other associated signs of piles. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, which will reduce the burning sensation in your rectum. Only a small amount is needed, witch hazel salves can be quite powerful.
burningrectumCranberries: You can blend 1 spoon of cranberries and put them inside cheesecloth. Patients suffering from hemorrhoids can keep this cheesecloth in the rectum and this can relieve the burning sensations and pain caused by piles.Cranberries are vulnerary fruits and known to be anti-inflammatory in nature. They are also prescribed for serious intestinal and stomach disorders because they are so effective!
Radish: You can consume radishes in their grated form or in the form of juice by adding salt to it. The paste of this vegetable mixed in milk is also afavorable remedy for hemorrhoids. Radishes are an emenagogue, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent that is used for a variety of health conditions.  Also, they are rich in fiber, which regulates bowel movements and makes them more regular, as well as stimulating peristatic motion and the secretion of digestive juices. This eases the passage of bowel movements, which helps to reduce further exacerbation of your hemorrhoids.
Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has been known for its many medicinal properties for centuries. In case of piles and burning sensations in the rectum, you can apply it to the anus to reduce the burning sensation. Also has natural soothing and anti-inflammatory qualities which is why it is so often used for sunburn and other inflammation.

Finally, maintaining good hygiene in the region around the anus can prevent piles and the other undesirable conditions associated with it. You can increase the content of fiber in your diet to provide treatment for this problem. Avoid eating spicy food, tea, coffees and sugar-rich foods in excessive amounts to further reduce the symptoms associated with rectal burning. And again, if the situation becomes too serious, do not hesitate to contact a doctor. Most of these home remedies can be combined with more mainstream treatments, but you should consult your doctor first if you think the problem is getting serious.

Home Remedies for Breast Enlargement

The home remedies for breast enlargement include a number of herbs like saw palmetto, dong quai, blessed thistle, wild yam and other products like fenugreek, pueraria mirifica, marshmallow roots, fennel seeds, watercress leaf and dandelion root. Apart from these herbal or vegetative sources, eating lots of fat can help you enhance the size of your breasts, although it can result in similar, less desirable weight gain in other areas of the body.
A breast massage with natural oils can also help with your desire for larger breasts. Also, all of these home remedies for breast enlargement are safer than breast enhancement surgery and pills.
Home remedies for breast enlargement are available for those women who are frustrated with the size of their breasts, since it can hamper their lifestyle and overall appearance. It is widely believed that the size of your breasts is a genetically inherited trait. If your mother or all the other women in your family have small breasts, some people say that you should simply find a way to be happy with what you have to a certain degree. However, there are still some herbal and home-based remedies which can increase the size of your breasts, proving this notion to be somewhat baseless.
In recent years, the popularity of breast enlargement pills and surgeries has increased exponentially. Unfortunately, so has the frequency of serious side effects and other diseases associated with these procedures. Hormone intake has also been publicized by certain companies as a way to add size, but this is also an undesirable method that goes against nature’s design. If you want to be on the safer side, you should follow home remedies for breast enlargement, rather than going under the knife or pouring harmful chemicals into your body.
Another common recommendation made by various “experts” is to eat a diet containing a higher fat content. Needless to say, this will add layers of fat on your breasts and make them look larger, but you should be prepared to gain mass in other body parts as well. People concerned about their overall health and weight usually avoid that method, which greatly increases your chances of becoming obese or overweight, resulting in a wide range of other health risks and complications.
Realistically, your search for breast enlargement techniques should end with home-based remedies, which have been supported and proven by experts all over the world. Some of the most effective home remedies for breast enlargement are explained below.

breastelnlargeinfographicHome Remedies for Breast Enlargement

Saw palmetto: Apart from being used for a number of other problems in men and women, including urinary tract infections and obesity, this natural herb is also useful in enlarging the size of breasts. It is known as the hormone regulating herb and can exhibit desirable results over a target time period.
Pueraria Mirifica: It is not only known for improving the health of the skin and hair, but it can also boost breast enlargement. It is recommended by the Medical Plant Research Institute Department of Medical Sciences in Thailand for breast enlargement.
Dona Quai: This natural herb has been useful in regulating the production of estrogen and can play a very useful role in breast enlargement. The roots and extracts of this herb are responsible for this desirable effect. Breast tissue health is also improved by consuming these herbal products.
Blessed Thistle: The powerful estrogen properties of blessed thistle also assist in enlarging the size of breasts and also for improving the milk supply of the breasts for nursing mothers. Apart from increasing breast size, the herb can also be consumed for improving the circulation of blood.
Watercress Leaf: It has been proven that watercress leaf is a natural product rich in vitamin E. This vitamin is essential for the growth of breasts and can therefore be used as an effective home remedy for breast enlargement.
Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is useful in increasing the production of breast cells and improving the overall health of breast tissues. This product is very popular for this purpose, since it generates no harmful side effects in the woman’s body and can exhibit sound results in a relatively short time period.
Wild Yam: Wild yam is a natural herb, native to North America, and it is quite helpful in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Apart from this, it has found applications in improving a number of conditions related to female health; breast enlargement is one of them.
Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds contain a high content of flavonoids and are therefore useful in increasing the amount of estrogen in the body. These seeds are also effective as stimulants and tonics. These seeds play a wonderful role in the formation of new cells and tissues in the breasts, which can increase their size.
Fennel11Marshmallow Root:You can prepare a marshmallow root extract and dip a towel in it. Then, you can use this towel dipped in extract to massage your breasts. You can also drink the extract for a few months, taking regular 7 day breaks after every month to achieve best results. It is considered a good home remedy for breast enlargement, particularly if you don’t mind waiting for the effects to show.
Fenugreek: You have probably heard about the capability of fenugreek to improve the milk production in nursing mothers. The good news is that it can also be used to improve the size of breasts in females. It contains certain plant extracts that are helpful in enlarging the breast size by regulating and alternating certain hormonal levels.

Breast Massage: According to the Institute of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, massaging the breasts with natural oils that are rich in botanical extracts can also increase your breast size. However, women suffering from any sort of health problems related to the breasts should consult medical experts before adopting any of these methods.

Home Remedies for Atherosclerosis

Some of the most important home remedies for Atherosclerosis include the use of avoiding meat, eating organic, garlic, onions, spinach, beans, yogurt, and salmon, in addition to behavioral changes like quitting smoking, drinking in moderation, and regularly exercising.


Quite simply, atherosclerosis is the fancy name for clogged arteries. However, it is a bit more complicated than that if you want to truly understand the situation. When certain cells die, such as triglycerides or cholesterol, or become caught by inflamed tissue in the arteries and blood vessels, they begin to build up. White blood cells attack these areas in order to remedy the situation, but further add to the blockage and the gradually narrowing arteries. As arteries and blood vessels narrow, the heart must work harder to pump blood through, causing blood pressure to rise. This can be additionally stressful on the cardiovascular system, and if a blood clot of some kind flows through these clogged arteries and gets stuck, a heart attack or a stroke is experienced. Heart attacks take place in the heart, while strokes occur in the brain. Clots in other parts of the body are dangerous, and potentially deadly, but these are the two most critical and fatal areas of the body for this cellular build-up to occur.arteriosclerosis
Fortunately, there are ways of lowering triglyceride levels, reducing inflammation in the cardiovascular system, and eliminating that WBC build-up that causes the arteries to harden and narrow. This is why atherosclerosis is often called “hardening of the arteries”. Below, we will cover a number of the most effective and well-researched home remedies to prevent or reverse the effects of atherosclerosis. While some damage to the cardiovascular system is irreparable, atherosclerosis can be significantly reduced or “treated” through natural dietary and behavioral changes, rather than risky and expensive surgery. Let’s take a look at some of those natural approaches and home remedies for atherosclerosis.

Home Remedies for Atherosclerosis

Fish Oil: The high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids (also known as “good cholesterol” or HDL cholesterol), versus omega-6 fatty acids (also known as “bad cholesterol” or LDL cholesterol) found in fish oil make it very effective in rebalancing the cholesterol balance in the cardiovascular system and preventing a dangerous build-up of plaque in the blood vessels that can catch a blood clot and cause a stroke or heart attack. People think that fats are all bad, but in fact, certain fats are essential for our body to function properly.
Salmon: For a similar reason as above, salmon has one of the most favorable balances of HDL-LDL cholesterol in fish. Furthermore, salmon has a wide range of unique minerals that make it beneficial for many other aspects of health as well, including selenium, protein, phosphorous, potassium, choline, and pantothenic acid. Potassium, for example, is also a vasodilator, which means that it can reduce the strain on the cardiovascular system by relaxing the blood vessels, effectively lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary heart disease.
Avoid Meat: The title might be a bit unclear; I’m not trying to say that you have to be a vegetarian to reduce atherosclerosis, but the proteins, minerals, fiber, and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables are easier for the body to break down and process efficiently. Furthermore, they tend to have less dangerous fats that can increase triglyceride and bad cholesterol content in the body. Essentially, you have to undo some of the “bad” that you do with animal protein that you largely don’t need to worry about with vegetables.
Processed Foods: Cutting out processed food is a very effective way to reduce the effects and severity of atherosclerosis. Many processed foods contain hydrogenated fats, which can cause even more problems than dangerous saturated fats (opposed to monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial in the body.) For that reason, eating organic or natural, as opposed to those overly processed and frozen foods that you may find at normal grocery stores.
Garlic and Onions: When it comes to proven methods of reducing bad cholesterol levels effectively, the allium family is one of the best. The most common forms of this family are garlic and onions, which can be easily added to countless meals and dietary plans. Allicin is the active component in the allium family, and this particular organic compound has been proven in research studies to directly lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. This has made garlic and onions some of the most popular recommendations for preventing atherosclerosis in those susceptible to cardiovascular issues.
Spinach and Nightshade Vegetables: This very special type of vegetables is one of the most respected and relied on groups when it comes to boosting heart health and reducing general atherosclerosis in the body. Firstly, spinach is able to lower blood pressure by inhibiting the angiotensin 1-converting enzyme, which effectively calms the body. Secondly, selenium, beta-carotene, and manganese can all help to reduce atherosclerosis in the body, and spinach is high in these nutrients. Finally, neoxanthin and violaxanthin are two anti-inflammatory compounds in spinach that can help to reduce inflammation in the blood vessels, which helps maintain their integrity.
Beans: The vast majority of beans contain high levels of potassium, but white beans are certainly the highest in that concentration. Although people think of bananas as the potassium-rich superfood, white beans contain far more, and are easy to incorporate in your diet as a source of essential minerals and protein. Potassium, as mentioned earlier, lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and easing strain on the cardiovascular system.
Exercise: Regular exercise is essential to keep your heart healthy, because a sedentary lifestyle means a faster accumulation of fat deposits and triglycerides in your body. Also, by keeping your metabolism is good shape, you’re far more likely to burn fat more effectively, avoid obesity, and generally boost your overall health.
Quitting Smoking: Smoking has an astringent effect on your blood vessels, arteries, meaning that they harden and narrow faster, and you are at a much higher chance of suffering a heart attack or atherosclerosis-related issues if you smoke. Also, smoking makes you less likely to remain active, as it damages your lungs and oxygen capacity, which leads to a sedentary lifestyle (see remedy above…).
Drinking in Moderation: Research on alcohol consumption and its exact link to atherosclerosis is still ongoing and often contradictory; however, heavy drinking has been seen to be positively associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease. That being said, low levels of alcohol can actually be good for the heart, as it can reduce LDL cholesterol’s injurious actions. It’s a delicate balance, obviously. As always, everything in moderation.

A Final Word of Warning: Atherosclerosis can quickly result in life-threatening events like heart attacks and strokes. Although natural remedies are effective as preventative or early stage treatments, there are certain more serious cardiac conditions that will almost certainly require surgery. Be sure to regularly see a medical professional and talk to him or her about the current health of your heart before embarking on any serious strategies on your own.

Home Remedies for Demodectic Mange

Some of the most useful home remedies for demodectic mange include the use of hydrogen peroxide, borax, yogurt, honey, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, fish oil, lemon peels, Aloe Vera, neem oil, soap and water, and certain preventative practices, such as regularly cleaning your dog’s bedding.


Although the scientific name is demodicosis, demodectic mange (or red mange) is caused by an inability to properly handle a small mite that exists on almost all dogs fur, Demodex canis. In most healthy dogs, particularly those that are regularly sheltered, fed, and have a strong immune system, the number ofDemodex canis is kept under control and doesn’t bother dogs very much, save for some minor scratching or itchiness. However, if a dog is suffering from malnutrition, abuse, or a severely compromised immune system, those mites can begin to reproduce rapidly and start to wreak havoc on the canine’s fur. This can result in hair loss in small patches and mild irritation, but can be as serious as widespread hair loss, infections, and life-threatening complications. For our beloved pets, it can be difficult to see them going through so much pain without being able to help.demodicosis
There are a number ofprescriptions medications and creams that you can get from veterinarians, but there is always the risk of side effects, not to mention cost. Fortunately, there are a number of home remedies for demodectic mange that are easy and effective! That being said, in cases of severe demodectic mange that could possibly be life-threatening for the animal, seeing a veterinarian is always recommended, just to be sure. Let’s take a closer look at some of these simple and effective home remedies for demodectic mange.

Home Remedies for Demodectic Mange

Aloe Vera: Due to the natural antiseptic and anti-parasitic nature of aloe vera, it makes for an ideal home remedy for mange. Spread Aloe vera, either in gel or tea form on the animal’s affected areas twice a day and start seeing results, as well as a much happier dog, within a few days!
Lemon/Garlic: This may seem like a strange combination, but if you soak 6-10 cloves of garlic with lemon peels in water overnight, the resulting liquid will be infused with a wide variety of beneficial organic compounds to stimulate healing and neutralize the parasites on your dog. It might smell a bit strange, but it will get the job done.
Apple Cider Vinegar: As with hundreds of other common medical conditions, the perennial cure-all of apple cider vinegar is also good for treating mange. Simply add a small amount (a few tablespoons) of apple cider vinegar to your dog’s normal meal and you’ll be amazed how quickly recovery begins.
Honey: Spreading honey on the affected area of your dogs fur is effective for two reasons; you effectively suffocate the parasites that are reproducing so rapidly, while also soothing the inflamed areas and stimulating more rapid healing, due to the rich stores of organic compounds found in organic honey.
Yogurt: One of the unfortunate side effects of mange is a crusty or discolored discharge from the ears of the dog, which is also itchy and uncomfortable. Theacidophilus bacteria found in yogurt can help to eliminate this symptom and relieve the discomfort for your dog.
Olive Oil: Applying olive oil or other cooking oils to the affected areas of the dogs skin can help to alleviate the inflammation and the waxy build-up on the skin due to mange, while also eliminating the parasites from the area.
Soap and Water: The old solutions are often the best, and the alkaline nature of most common soaps will keep the mange under control and reduce inflammation, while also killing the parasites responsible for the condition.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax: This is the most common home remedy for treating mange, but because dogs will become ill if they lick this mixture, despite its efficiency, many people choose an even more “natural” route. If you do use this hydrogen peroxide and borax solution to wash your dog (approx. once a week), don’t wipe your dog dry, as that will eliminate what you’ve just tried to do!
Bedding Cleaning: Although this isn’t a direct remedy for the dog, regularly cleaning your dog’s bedding, particularly after using these home remedies to eliminate the parasites, is highly recommended. If your dog has millions more mites in its bedding, then all of these topical solutions will be useless, as the mites will simply return.

A Final Word of Warning: Although these home remedies are highly effective, remember that this could develop into a life-threatening situation for your dog, especially if it becomes complicated by secondary infections. See a veterinarian, if possible, so that he or she can tell you whether home remedies will suffice for a healthy recovery.

Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Some of the most effective and trusted home remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome include the use of saw palmetto, fenugreek, salmon, flaxseed, spearmint tea, cinnamon, licorice, broccoli, apple cider vinegar, and spinach.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This primarily genetic disorder affects only women and is also called hyperandrogenic anovulation. It is a disorder that affects the endocrine system, meaning that this disorder is hormonal in nature. In fact, the main characterization of polycystic ovary syndrome is anovulation, which means that a woman does not release an oocyte or experience a menstrual period. Also, someone suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome has high levels of androgenic hormones and also suffers from insulin resistance, which is a major cause of diabetes. Those three primary symptoms are not where this disorder ends, as they can each cause other secondary symptoms that are not only more visible and difficult to manage, but also dangerous in their own right. Anovulation results in irregular menstruation and can even cause infertility, while the hormonal imbalance causes acne and atypical growth of hair and body parts. Finally, insulin resistance can easily lead to Type 2 diabetes, in addition to weight gain and cardiovascular complications.
ovarysyndromeIf a woman suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, it does not mean the same thing as going through menopause; this is a hormonal disorder that can be treated, whereas menopause is a natural period of progression in a female life cycle. As with any disorder rather than disease, there is no formal treatment or “cure”, just various management techniques to keep the body healthy and reduce the impact of the disorder on daily life. There are a number of pharmaceutical approaches to treat the primary and secondary symptoms of the disorder, but many people choose alternative routes for treatment, knowing that natural remedies can be just as effective. The fact that some of the more serious effects of this disorder include endometrial cancer and diabetes, it is recommended to see a medical professional regarding polycystic ovary syndrome, but rest assured that you do have plenty of options for treatment. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best home remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome.

Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Saw Palmetto: One of the most unsightly or visible symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome is hirsutism, which is essentially the growth of hair in strange places on a woman’s body. This is caused by the high levels of testosterone and androgenic hormones that characterize the disorder. Saw palmetto is one of the most effective herbs at inhibiting testosterone from converting into a more active form that will stimulate hirsutism. Saw palmetto is also considered an anti-androgenic substance, so it can help to reduce a number of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome and actually re-balance the endocrine system.
Fenugreek: Fenugreek has long been associated with themanagement of diabetes, which makes it ideal for treating polycystic ovary syndrome as well. By optimizing glucose metabolism in the body and ensuring that insulin receptors operate normally, it can protect someone suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome from developing Type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, by regulating glucose metabolism, it can help to prevent weight gain and overeating, as nutrients will be used in an effective and timely manner by the body.
Flaxseed: Flaxseed has two very important roles in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome. Firstly, flaxseeddecreases androgen levels in the body, which is essential for women who want to avoid hirsutism. Secondly, flaxseed stimulates the production of sex hormone binding globulin, which binds with testosterone in the bloodstream, thereby preventing it from impacting other parts of the body and creating some of the secondary symptoms in women that can make life so difficult with this disorder.
Salmon: The high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon are the main reason why it made this home remedy list. Research has connected these essential fatty acids to a reduction in testosterone levels and a return to a normal menstruation cycle in women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome. Although this research is still ongoing, the fact remains that the omega-3s found in salmon and other oily fish are also great for heart health, as they eliminate much of the “bad cholesterol”. Considering that the insulin resistance of polycystic ovary syndrome also affects the heart, salmon and its omega-3s actually have two important roles in the treatment of this disorder.
Spinach: Spinach and other dark, leafy green vegetables are packed with unique nutrients, including vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, all of which are directly linked to treating the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. Calcium has been shown to improve menstrual regularity, magnesium improves insulin sensitivity, and vitamin D optimizes BMI, helping to prevent weight gain.
Broccoli: Although many people turn to insulin therapy to ensure that their blood sugar remains stable, one of the best natural ways to keep diabetic symptoms under control is with chromium. Broccoli has more chromium than any other food source, so pop that into your diet and ensure that your insulin and blood sugar levels are optimized to prevent the onset of diabetes as a side effect of polycystic ovary syndrome.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon may not seem like an obvious choice for a treatment, but in fact, cinnamon has been positively correlated with regular menstrual cycles and an increase in insulin sensitivity, making it a very valuable remedy that can be added to many different foods, or added to tea with honey for a delicious and beneficial beverage.
Licorice: Licorice attacks polycystic ovary syndrome from a number of different directions. Research has shown that one of the active ingredients in licorice inhibits a key enzyme necessary for testosterone production. Furthermore, licorice root can help to stimulate menstruation and it detoxifies the liver, which is closely connected to hormonal imbalance.
Spearmint Tea: Spearmint tea is directly linked to the treatment of hirsutism, as research studies have shown that spearmint’s active ingredients can reduce total testosterone levels, and inhibit follicle-stimulating hormone, thereby helping to keep hair where it belongs on a woman’s body!
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar seems to be helpful for pretty much everything, but in terms of polycystic ovary syndrome, it can help reduce the insulin resistance and get your blood sugar behavior back to normal. Apple Cider Vinegar is actually used to naturally treat diabetes all over the world, so it makes sense that it would be an effective remedy for those dangerous insulin symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome.

A Final Word of Warning: Although most of the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome are merely irritating or embarrassing, rather than life-threatening, the increased chance of infertility and endometrial cancer is very serious. While many of these home remedies will effectively clear up primary and secondary symptoms, it is still highly recommended to see a medical professional if you believe that you’re suffering from a hormonal imbalance, as any endocrine disorder can be much more complicated than it initially appears.

Home Remedies for Gastroenteritis

Some of the most effective home remedies for gastroenteritis include the use of carbonated beverages, simple carbohydrates, fluids, zinc, yogurt, ginger, chamomile tea, mint, rice water, cinnamon, and turmeric.


You have likely experienced gastroenteritis at one point in your life or another, even if you don’t realize. Gastroenteritis is actually the formal medical term for stomach flu, also known as gastric flu or stomach virus.  Gastroenteritis is caused by a bacterial infection, commonly rotavirus in children, and norovirus in adults. The condition is most commonly characterized by extreme nausea, cramping, and stomach pain, further manifesting in vomiting, diarrhea, or both. This decidedly unpleasant sickness usually doesn’t last more than 3-4 days before your body can eliminate the viral or bacterial infection, but it can also last longer, making life quite miserable. While most people immediately turn to antiemetics (stop vomiting) or antibiotics to rid themselves of the infection, this can weaken the immune system to future attacks, which is likely to occur, as the stomach flu is very common and spreads easily.

However, there is strong evidence to suggest that natural remedies are actually the wisest approach to treating gastroenteritis. Some of the symptoms of stomach flu are only made worse becausepeople rely solely on medication, when far more should be done for a happy and healthy recovery. In fact, this reliance on a simple medicinal fix could make the symptoms last even longer, whereas natural remedies and behavioral strategies can have you back on your feet and your stomach back to normal in no time. The home remedies outlined in more detail below are some of the most trusted and effective home remedies for gastroenteritis.

Home Remedies for Gastroenteritis

Carbonated Beverages: Although sugar-rich juices and carbonated sodas aren’t a good idea for treating the stomach flu, and can in fact cause stomach upset, carbonated beverages like sparkling water, soda water, or ginger ale are wonderful options to settle those upset stomachs and soothe your nausea. The exact mechanism of carbonated beverages isn’t entirely understood, although ginger and water are two other important stomach flu remedies, so it’s a double dose of goodness for your gastrointestinal system.
Simple Carbohydrates: When your stomach is under attack from one of these bacterial or viral causes of gastroenteritis, you don’t want it to have to work too hard to digest food and the crucial nutrients you need. That is the reason that so many people stop eating when they are sick with gastroenteritis, as it seems that everything they eat comes right back up. However, by eating simple carbohydrates like toast, crackers, cereal, potatoes, and basic fruits and vegetables, you can likely get those nutrients digested and be on the road to recovery much quicker.
Yogurt: One of the most important tools in the battle against gastroenteritis is already in your body, but excessive vomiting and diarrhea can compromise that defensive line. Beneficial bacteria in the gut helps to digest food and protect your gastrointestinal system from infections, but that bacteria is often lost through violent vomiting and diarrhea. Probiotics can be found in high concentrations in yogurt, and this can not only soothe your stomach, but also promote the regrowth and protective capacity of the beneficial bacteria in your gut to speed up the healing process.
Dietary Restrictions: Many people want “comfort food” when they are ill, but if those foods happen to take the form of spicy food, caffeine, dairy products, or high-fat foods, the end result isn’t going to be pretty, and you’ll end up being far more uncomfortable in the long run. Stick to simple foods and cut out anything that is typically difficult to digest.
Chamomile Tea: As one of the oldest and most trusted remedies for an upset stomach, chamomile tea is also ideal for treating gastroenteritis. The strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea can help to settle the stomach and eliminate nausea and vomiting, in addition to boosting the immune system to combat whatever the cause of your stomach flu happens to be.
Ginger: This ancient cure-all is also quite useful in the area of gastroenteritis. The active components within ginger are powerful and versatile, including its ability to soothe the stomach and protect the inner lining of your stomach from dangerous bacteria. Chewing on ginger has also been known to eliminate nausea, although brewing ginger tea is probably the most common application of ginger for the stomach flu.
Fluids: One of the biggest dangers of gastroenteritis is dehydration. To put it bluntly, when you are vomiting and experiencing diarrhea, your body is rapidly losing its fluids, making you feel worse and slowing down every process of your body, including your immune system and compromising your digestive tract. You must replenish those fluids in your body before you will begin to feel better, so drink as much water as possible to keep hydrated.
Mint: The powerful organic compounds in mint have long been praised for their cooling, soothing, and anti-inflammatory effects. Chewing on mint leaves for gastroenteritis and related stomach issues has been in practice for thousands of years. Brewing fresh mint tea is also an effective remedy against vomiting, as it can reduce that inflammation in your gut.
Cinnamon: One of the less “scientific” remedies for gastroenteritis is the consumption of cinnamon and honey tea, which has been a home remedy for centuries. The exact pathway of how this helps gastroenteritis is unknown, but honey and cinnamon both have powerful organic compounds that promote immunity and reduce inflammation.
Turmeric: This popular spice is known and consumed all over the world and is often considered one of the most versatile and effective herbal remedies for a wide range of health conditions. The complex mixture of antioxidants, bioflavonoids, vitamins, and minerals found in turmeric make it a wonderful tonic for an upset body, particularly if you’re suffering from gastroenteritis.

A Final Word of Warning: Again, many of these natural remedies relieve the symptoms of stomach flu and help get your own immune system and digestive system back to normal. In addition to rest and hydration, these can be effective complements to antibiotics or other medicinal approaches, but these behavioral and dietary remedies are also essential to get the body back to 100%.

Home Remedies for Gestational Diabetes

Some of the most effective home remedies for gestational diabetes include the use of vitamin D, vitamin C, astragalus, dietary scheduling, protein, whole food carbs, a sugar-free diet, flaxseed, and exercise.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is the least common type of diabetes and affects pregnant women, normally in their third trimester, and is characterized by low blood sugar levels, just like other forms of diabetes. The symptoms of gestational diabetes are generally minimal or mild, but can still cause complications for both mother and child, so should not be ignored. Although the symptoms typically fade after pregnancy, it still increases an individual’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life. The cause of diabetes, including gestational, is the insulin receptors in the body not functioning properly, which causes massive spikes and plunges of blood sugar, which can be very inconvenient, and even fatal in severe situations. Children born to a mother who suffered from gestational diabetes without treatment is much more likely to experience childhood obesity and is a likely candidate for diabetes, jaundice, or other health concerns.

As with other forms of diabetes, there is no formal cure for gestational diabetes, merely treatment options like a G.I. diet, exercise, or insulin therapy. However, due to the complications of having an infant in the womb, many people steer away from insulin therapy and instead choose natural or herbal remedies to treat gestational diabetes. These remedies can either be used alone or in conjunction with other more traditional treatment methods of gestational diabetes. Below are some of the most popular and effective home remedies for gestational diabetes.

Home Remedies for Gestational Diabetes

Dietary Scheduling: One of the major causes of all forms of diabetes is an irregular eating schedule. It can teach your body to expect massive influxes of sugar and calories, followed by long periods of no nutrients. This can seriously complicate your body’s natural metabolic activity and negatively affect the functionality of your insulin receptors. A great way to start treating or preventing gestational diabetes is to put yourself on a strict schedule of nutritional intake. Experts actually recommend eating small meals every two hours so your body becomes used to regular processing and absorption of nutrients, helping to prevent the peaks and valleys of blood sugar levels that characterize diabetes.
Exercise: As with other forms of diabetes, regular exercisecan help to prevent a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy weight gain. Obviously, during pregnancy, weight gain is expected, but it can certainly be managed in a healthy way. Regular periods of thirty minutes of exercise at least twice per day will get your heart rate up, stimulate the metabolism, and prevent the development of gestational diabetes. Obviously, jogging and other strenuous exercise isn’t recommended, but swimming, stationary exercise machines, and any sort of light cardiovascular exercise (even walking around the block a few times per day) will help to prevent or minimize the symptoms of gestational diabetes.
gestationaldiabetesinfoHigh-Fiber Diet: One of the most common suggestions for diabetes management and treatment is to increase your fiber intake. Fiber can stimulate the activity of insulin receptors and can also inhibit the release of excess insulin into the bloodstream, helping to balance the levels of insulin and prevent the onset of diabetes. Fiber should be a part of your pregnancy diet anyways, due to its key digestive and cardiovascular effects, but its specific relation to insulin receptors makes it crucial. Flaxseed and other forms of fiber are easily found in markets around the world. Whole grains are some of the best sources of dietary fiber that will improve your chances of avoiding gestational diabetes.
Vitamin D: Although this isn’t a vitamin that gets as much attention as others, it is crucial for a number of processes in our body, including the efficient absorption of key vitamins and nutrients, including calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphate. By maximizing the nutrient absorption of your gut vitamin D-rich foods, such as salmon, mushrooms, or tofu, you can guarantee that your nutrient intake is effective and constant throughout the day. Vitamin D also helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which is essential for a healthy pregnancy.
Vitamin C: Unlike vitamin D, vitamin C gets a lot of attention from medical professionals and the general public. However, that doesn’t mean that pregnant women get enough of it, but they should, as vitamin C deficiency has been directly linked to gestational diabetes. Research has shown that in women with gestational diabetes, those who increased their vitamin C intake were far less likely to experience serious symptoms and had a lower chance of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.
Astragalus: Research into herbal remedies for gestational diabetes are ongoing and widespread, but astragalus may have been shown to have the strongest effects. Research has revealed that women who haveastragalus along with their traditional treatments for this forms of diabetes demonstrate significantly better blood sugar control and have much milder symptoms of gestational diabetes. However, due to the fact that herbs can have complex side effects, it is important to speak to a medical professional before adding any herbs to your regular diet, particularly during the delicate period of pregnancy.
Protein: One of the important functions of protein in our diets is to help us break down carbs into more manageable and useful molecules. Therefore, if you are following the recommendation of eating a number of small meals throughout the day, then try to always pair carbs with a protein. This will ease the digestive process and regulate your metabolism to only release or utilize the necessary amounts of insulin. Protein is also essential for growth and development, which is critical when you are growing another person inside of you!
Whole Food Carbs: It is important to remember that not all carbs are created equal. Complex carbohydrates break down to more valuable forms of sugar that are harder to digest and have less of an impact on the insulin fluctuations in your body. Therefore, if you are pregnant or have already developed gestational diabetes, then eliminating simple carbohydrates could help prevent or treat the condition. Furthermore, the impact of overly processed, packaged, or restaurant foods is impossible to fully predict, which makes controlling your blood sugar levels very different. Pack your own meals and be sure to include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit, lentils, oats, quinoa, milk, okra, carrots, peas, and similar food items. Avoid bread, especially white bread, and other empty carbohydrates found in junk food.
Sugar-Free Diet: Diabetes is most commonly associated with a sugary diet and obesity, as the disease relates directly to insulin receptors. Therefore, one surefire way to protect yourself from gestational diabetes is to eliminate sugar from your diet entirely. There are plenty of alternatives when you’re living in a sugar-free world, including things like Stevia and agave nectar, both of which are natural sweeteners with much more complex sugars that the body needs, rather than simple sugars that will exacerbate or cause gestational diabetes.

A Final Word of Warning: Although the symptoms of gestational diabetes are generally mild, it is still important to speak with your medical professional regarding any concerns you may have regarding your body’s behavior or major dietary changes you are considering. The health of your child will always be your top priority, and your choices while pregnant can have serious, long-term effects on your new child. The above treatments should be implemented and considered in addition to (and only after) speaking to a doctor.